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terostik (Gość)
22.05.2012 11:20 (UTC)[zacytuj]
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terostik (Gość)
22.05.2012 15:37 (UTC)[zacytuj]
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terostik (Gość)
23.05.2012 02:20 (UTC)[zacytuj]
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NataSnize (Gość)
16.06.2012 02:29 (UTC)[zacytuj]
Hi, my name is Natalia. I’m a retired engineer from LA and I’m enjoying reading this forum.
DitaSnize (Gość)
18.06.2012 06:37 (UTC)[zacytuj]
Hi, my name is Dita.
I’m a retired engineer from NY and I’m enjoying reading this forum.


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